Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday night fever

This blogging thing is addictive! I'm quite enjoying myself...hope all you avid readers are too. Today was a lovely day in Jerusalem, we spent it doing some biblical stuff with our guest speaker from Canada, who is a lovely, learned and gentle man. Quite heavy reading and thinking, but very interesting, all about linguistics and evidence of authorship of biblical texts etc. After a fantastic lunch of falafel and hummus and tabouleh (or similar) I headed off by myself for a little shopping trip down the street to the pharmacy. Managed to purchase what I needed with a little sign language and the pharmacy girl's patience!

Later a whole group of us went by taxis to the Mount of Olives and spent a couple of hours viewing the churches up there, and visiting the garden of Gethsemane. YAY! Now I will be able to use that photo that we found. It was a fascinating afternoon, as some of the churches up there are Catholic, some Greek orthodox and all visited by millions of pilgrims for various reasons. We went to the Church of the Patre Nostre, which was absolutely beautiful, and had the Our Father in lots of different languages, done in tiles. It reminded me of a spanish type church, it had a garden in the middle and was paved. All it needed was mudbrick and it would have looked like it was in Mexico or California. My other favourite was next to Gethsemane: the Church of All Nations. It was really beautiful and quite moving.

Must go. we have mass this evening in the Basilica at Ecce Homo, and then later we are going (hopefully) to a light show which is shown on the walls of the Citadel, depicting the history of Jerusalem.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Rob, if you get a chance see if you can find this church at Gethsemane if it's not too ostentatious for you.
    St Maria Madalina
